Sunday, 22 May 2011

Thrifting Shopping Haul! or: Car Booty*

So, I've had a chance to sort through all my boot sale goodies from this morning now:

I was going to look for Scrabble. I want to make a Scrabble journal for my Dad for Father's Day. I didn't find it, but I did find these games instead. The three were in a produce tray together, the guy said he wasn't sure if all the parts were there but I could have the three for £1.50. I offered him the 70p change I had in my pocket and he accepted. They're not worth much more in all honesty. Othello has one piece missing, which isn't the end of the world. I can probably get one somewhere, do up the box and pass it on to a charity shop. I'll make board books with the other two. I've no idea what I'll do with the toy Telex. I had to Google to find out what a Telex even was.

Narnia Risk was £1. I saw it for £7 in a charity shop the other day!!!! I haven't checked the pieces so I don't know if I'll craft with it or sell it on. I do like the board though, and when I've made books with Narnia board games before they've been quite popular.

I love Fuzzy Felt. I've made Fuzzy Felt board books and also Fuzzy Felt greetings cards before. They both sold really well. The box is a tin, it's a little dinted in places but otherwise okay. I'm sure I can find a use for it! The cards in the Disney Princess memory game are heart-shaped and will make great card toppers. Both games were a steal at 50p each.

The cigar boxes were 50p each. People on the web always mention about getting them free, but the only proper tobacconist round here charges anything from £2.50 to £6 each. I'm not surprised, they're surprisingly sturdy and well made, far too good for the bin. I'll make treasure boxes or sewing boxes with them, I guess.

LPs, 50p each. All were bought for crafting. The Madness one I just found funny; Coventry is the home of 2 Tone and British Ska. But it's not a 2 Tone record (it's from when they moved to Stiff) and it's not even in English, it's Spanish. All three are scratched to high heaven so I'll have no guilt in repurposing them.

The sewing box is a proper bargain and I'm giving it it's own post I think. It was £8.

Okay, so I didn't actually buy the atlas: I found it by the recycling bins on the way home and decided I can use it.

I think I did pretty well for just a touch over £13, don't you?

Car Booty, for the non-British, was a daytime TV show that was jaw-droppingly terrible (even by the standards of daytime TV). Even so, it isn't quite the worst car-boot-sale-related TV show; that dubious honour goes to the execrable Boot Sale Challenge. Both shows were so bad they were strangely compelling.

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