Someone obviously didn't want their Burt's Bees gift tin! This was in the toy section for just 30p. It's cute and just right for storing Promarkers in.
Also in the toy section was this Captain Scarlet game. It looks pretty retro but is actually from the '90s revival. This will probably end up as board game journals! Which reminds me, my other half went car booting and had mega success games-wise. I've turned most of them into journals already. I will post the pics at some point.
Again in the toy section, this bag, 50p. It's a handbag. It's broken. It's got hundreds of beads on it that look like they could be sweeties. Either the kiddy shelves have become a dumping ground, else they put any old rubbish there to see if I'll buy it. Selfless little me agreed to buy it before it became a choking hazard. I was going to fix the bag, but might yet be persuaded to harvest the beads instead.
Rule one of thrifting is to buy out of season. This wonderful wool coat/cardigan is from M&S and looks a lot better on (but you're not getting a picture of me! Ohnonononono). It was only £2. It's ridiculous how little that is when you think about it. And guess what? It wasn't even Bargain of the Day!
That title has to go to this Early Witney wool blanket. It's a full double and cost me the grand old sum of £4. It's in absolutely mint condition and you can see and feel the quality. These blankets were never exactly sold at the budget end of the market. It still amazes me that you can buy such quality for so little. I suppose that we use duvets these days instead, but am I really the only one who loves to snuggle under blankets in winter? It's certainly cheaper and greener than cranking up the central heating! I expected my other half to raise an eyebrow, because we live in this tiny bungalow and don't have a lot of storage space. We already have 'our' blanket (which is also Early wool and was originally a wedding present to my mother), plus blankets crocheted for both of us by our mothers when we were children. We have a picnic blanket, a camping blanket, throws and rugs. I'd been hatching an elaborate story about how I planned to sell it for a profit in the winter as it would fetch more money then. Luckily, he didn't seem to mind. All he said was:
"Is this the start of a Bagpuss-themed decorating scheme or something?"
Anyway, I've missed blogging, even if it is just me blathering on. I hope you've enjoyed looking at my most recent finds.
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